Revision history for FormattingRules

Revision [3415]

Last edited on 2011-08-04 13:28:56 by WikkaInstaller [Upgrading from to 1.3.1]

No Differences

Revision [3410]

Edited on 2011-08-04 13:28:36 by WikkaInstaller [Upgrading from to 1.3.1]
<<===General Guidelines===
If a markup sequence is not in these guidelines, then it is not officially supported. Use caution when implementing markup that is not officially supported by this document, as undocumented functionality may change with version updates.
Unless otherwise stated in these guidelines, all markup is line based, that is, a newline character should not intervene. These are identified as 'inline' markup.
===Escaping Markup===
Anything between 2 sets of double-quotes is not formatted. This is the equivalent of escaping a character(s):
~##""**two bold &#34&#34**&#34&#34 stars**""##
~**two bold ""**"" stars**
In this case, the second set of ""**"" (escaped) stars will be ignored, //i.e.,// will not terminate the bold markup.
You can also use double-quote escaping to avoid linking of CamelCase words, e.g.
~##""This ""WikiWord"" is not parsed as a link""##
~This ""WikiWord"" is not parsed as a link
~##""££Text insertion££""##
~ ££Text insertion££
~##""¥¥Text deletion¥¥""##
~ ¥¥Text deletion¥¥
~##""/* Elided content (eliminates trailing ws) */""##
~/* Elided content (eliminates trailing ws) */
<--//there was a comment here followed by ws in the markup//
~Elides (hides) content from displaying. Eliminates trailing whitespace so there are no unsightly gaps in output. Useful for commenting Wikka markup.
~##""`` Elided content (preserves trailing ws) ``""##
~`` Elided content (preserves trailing ws) ``
<--//there was a comment here followed by ws in the markup//
~Elides (hides) content from displaying. Preserves trailing whitespace.
Use between six ##=## (for the biggest header) and two ##=## (for the smallest header) on both sides of a text to render it as a header.
~This text is also indented
~- Line one
~- Line two
~1) Line one
~1) Line two
~A) Line one
~A) Line two
~a) Line one
~a) Line two
~I) Line one
~I) Line two
~i) Line one
~i) Line two
Image links can be external or internal Wiki links. You don't need to enter a link at all, and in that case just an image will be inserted. You can use the optional classes ##left## and ##right## to float images left and right. You don't need to use all those attributes, only ##url## is required while ##alt## is recommended for accessibility.
~1) type a ##""WikiName""## (works only for page names with no whitespace): --- --- ##""FormattingRules""## --- FormattingRules --- ---
~1) add a forced link surrounding the page name by ##""[[""##| and ##""]]""## (everything after the | will be shown as description): --- --- ##""[[SandBox|Test| your formatting skills]]""## --- [[SandBox|Test| your formatting skills]] --- --- ##""[[SandBox|沙箱]]""##| --- [[SandBox|沙箱]]| --- ---
~1) type a URL inside the page: --- --- ##""""## --- --- ---
~1) add a forced link surrounding the URL by ##""[[""##| and ##""]]""## (everything after the | will be shown as description): --- --- ##""[[|Wikka| documentation]]""## --- [[|Wikka| documentation]] --- --- ##""[[|Wikka| community list]]""## --- [[|Wikka| community list]] --- ---
<<The ##table## action has been deprecated as of Wikka version 1.2 and has been replaced with the syntax that follows. Please visit the [[Docs:TableActionInfo| Wikka documentation server]] for information about the older ##table## action.<<::c::
Tables can be created using two pipe (##""||""##) symbols. Everything in a single line is rendered as a table row.
##""||Cell 1||Cell 2||""##
||Cell 1||Cell 2||
Header cells can be rendered by placing an equals sign between the pipes.
##""|=|Header 1|=|Header 2||""##
##""||Cell 1||Cell 2||""##
|=|Header 1|=|Header 2||
||Cell 1||Cell 2||
Row and column spans are specified with ##x:## and ##y:## in parentheses just after the pipes.
##""|=| |=|(x:2)Columns||""##
##""|=|(y:2) Rows||Cell 1||Cell 2||""##
##""||Cell 3||Cell 4||""##
|=| |=|(x:2)Columns||
|=|(y:2) Rows||Cell 1||Cell 2||
||Cell 3||Cell 4||
Many additional features are available using table markup. A more comprehensive table markup guide is available on this server's TableMarkup page. A complete syntax reference is available on this server's TableMarkupReference page.
~##""{{color fg="yellow" bg="black" text="This is colored text on colored background"}}""##
~{{color fg="yellow" bg="black" text="This is colored text on colored background"}}
|?|List of available code formatters||
|=|Apache Log||##apache##|=|""AppleScript""||##applescript##|=|ASM||##asm##||
|=|C||##c##|=|C for Macs||##c_mac##|=|C#||##csharp##||
|=|C""++""||##cpp##|=|C""++"" (+QT)||##cpp-qt##|=|CAD DCL||##caddcl##||
|=|""FreeBasic""||##freebasic##|=|FOURJ's Genero 4GL||##genero##|=|GML||##gml##||
|=|INI||##ini##|=|Inno Script||##inno##|=|Io||##io##||
|=|Java 5||##java5##|=|Java||##java##|=|Javascript||##javascript##||
|=|Matlab||##matlab##|=|mIRC Scripting||##mirc##|=|Microchip Assembler||##mpasm##||
|=|Microsoft Registry||##reg##|=|Motorola 68k Assembler||##m68k##|=|""MySQL""||##mysql##||
|=|NSIS||##nsis##|=|Objective C||##objc##|=|""OpenOffice"" BASIC||##oobas##||
|=|Objective Caml||##ocaml##|=|Objective Caml (brief)||##ocaml-brief##|=|Oracle 8||##oracle8##||
|=|Pascal||##pascal##|=|Per (FOURJ's Genero 4GL)||##per##|=|Perl||##perl##||
|=|PHP||##php##|=|PHP (brief)||##php-brief##|=|PL/SQL||##plsql##||
|=|Ruby on Rails||##rails##|=|Ruby||##ruby##|=|SAS||##sas##||
|=|VB.NET||##vbnet##|=|VHDL||##vhdl##|=|Visual BASIC||##vb##||
|=|Visual Fox Pro||##visualfoxpro##|=|""WinBatch""||##winbatch##|=|XML||##xml##||
|=|X""++""||##xpp##|=|""ZiLOG"" Z80 Assembler||##z80##|=| ||
<<**Note:** Anything between 2 sets of double-quotes is not formatted.<<::c::
Once you have read through this, test your formatting skills in the SandBox.
Use between five ##=## (for the biggest header) and two ##=## (for the smallest header) on both sides of a text to render it as a header.

This text is also indented
- Line one
- Line two
1) Line one
1) Line two
A) Line one
A) Line two
a) Line one
a) Line two
I) Line one
I) Line two
i) Line one
i) Line two
Links can be external, or internal Wiki links. You don't need to enter a link at all, and in that case just an image will be inserted. You can use the optional classes ##left## and ##right## to float images left and right. You don't need to use all those attributes, only ##url## is required while ##alt## is recommended for accessibility.
~1) type a ##""WikiName""##: --- --- ##""FormattingRules""## --- FormattingRules --- ---
~1) add a forced link surrounding the page name by ##""[[""##| and ##""]]""## (everything after the first space will be shown as description): --- --- ##""[[SandBox| Test your formatting skills]]""## --- [[SandBox| Test your formatting skills]] --- --- ##""[[SandBox| 沙箱]]""## --- [[SandBox| 沙箱]] --- ---
~1) type a URL inside the page: --- --- ##""""## --- --- ---
~1) add a forced link surrounding the URL by ##""[[""##| and ##""]]""## (everything after the first space will be shown as description): --- --- ##""[[| Jenna's Home Page]]""## --- [[| Jenna's Home Page]] --- --- ##""[[| Write me!]]""## --- [[| Write me!]] --- ---
To create a table, you can use the ##table## action.
~##""{{table columns="3" cellpadding="1" cells="BIG;GREEN;FROGS;yes;yes;no;no;no;###"}}""##
~{{table columns="3" cellpadding="1" cells="BIG;GREEN;FROGS;yes;yes;no;no;no;###"}}
Note that ##""###""## must be used to indicate an empty cell.
Complex tables can also be created by embedding HTML code in a wiki page (see instructions below).
~##""{{color fg="lightgreen" bg="black" text="This is colored text on colored background"}}""##
~{{color fg="lightgreen" bg="black" text="This is colored text on colored background"}}
**List of available code formatters:**
{{table columns="6" cellpadding="1" cells="LANGUAGE;FORMATTER;LANGUAGE;FORMATTER;LANGUAGE;FORMATTER;Actionscript;actionscript;ADA;ada;Apache Log;apache;AppleScript; applescript;ASM;asm;ASP;asp;AutoIT;autoit;Bash;bash;BlitzBasic;blitzbasic;C;c;C for Macs;c_mac;c#;csharp;C++;cpp;CAD DCL;caddcl;CadLisp;cadlisp;CFDG;cfdg;ColdFusion;cfm; CSS;css;D;d;Delphi;delphi;Diff-Output;diff;DIV; div;DOS;dos;Eiffel;eiffel;Fortran;fortran;FreeBasic;freebasic;GML;gml;Groovy;groovy;HTML;html4strict;INI;ini;Inno Script;inno;Java 5;java5;Java;java;Javascript;javascript;Lisp;lisp;Lua;lua;Matlab;matlab;Microchip Assembler;mpasm;Microsoft Registry;reg;MySQL;mysql;NSIS;nsis;Objective C;objc;OpenOffice BASIC;oobas;Objective Caml;ocaml;Objective Caml (brief);ocaml-brief;Oracle 8;oracle8;Pascal;pascal;Perl;perl;PHP;php;PHP (brief);php-brief;Python;phyton;Q(uick)BASIC;qbasic;robots.txt;robots;Ruby;ruby;SAS;sas;Scheme;scheme;sdlBasic;sdlbasic;Smarty;smarty;SQL;sql;TCL/iTCL;tcl;T-SQL;tsql;Text;text;VB.NET;vbnet;VHDL;vhdl;Visual BASIC;vb;Visual Fox Pro;visualfoxpro;WinBatch;winbatch;XML;xml;###;###"}}

Revision [19]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2006-12-28 13:56:03 by WikkaInstaller [Upgrading from to 1.3.1]
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